BCP is the place to be!
Beacon College Prep leads students to superior academic achievement, cultivates their talents and interests, and fosters admirable character traits to build strong foundations that empower their success to and through college.
At Beacon College Prep, demographics will not determine destiny. Instead, we will educate and empower our students to determine their own. Given that aim, our model is designed to aggressively accelerate student learning and ensure that our students are educated for college and empowered for life.
We’re now accepting applications for Elementary and Middle School students for the 2024/25 school year. Exercise your power of choice to send your child to a college prep school in your backyard. Click here to apply today!
The board and leadership of Beacon College Prep plans to formally consolidate the two schools located at 2750 NW 135th Street to a single K-8 school: Beacon College Prep K-8. The proposed consolidation will take effect at the beginning of the 2023/24 school year, and will have no effect on